Music Player (Web Component)
The gist: build a web component for playing one or more music files.
HTML5 has rich events for interacting with audio. A web component that takes children that are audio files and then can play through them and handle common functionality like:
- Play
- Pause
- Volume
- Next/previous song
- Pick and play a track
- Play the next song in the list
Here's what the UI could look like.
When no song is selected and nothing is playing:
When a song is selected and is currently playing:
Tapping on the >> arrows would play the next song. Tapping << would go back a song.
- HTML5 audio API
- Rendering the GUI for listing the tracks
- Rendering the GUI for the actual player
- Callbacks for various audio events
The mark-up could be something like this:
<source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
<source src="cat.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="cat.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
Here are four SVG icons (public domain, CC0) I made that you can use (or find your own icons):
Use your own audio files or download public domain Classical music files.
Lit and Stencil and Svetle interest me in particular for this. I think it'd need to be easy to load into any given web page or app.
Stretch Goals
- Song progress bar
- Ability to scrub through a song
- Loop through the playlist
- Shuffle
- Easy download for the files if someone enjoys them