Event Platform

The gist: build an app that allows studios to admins to add upcoming events that the public can register to attend.

Whenever I register for yoga classes, I have to sign into a portal that lists all of the available classes and the ones I've registered for. I always think to myself that it'd make a fun, simple-ish project that could be of use. This is one of the few projects in Projectbook that's sort of business-y. The data model and needs are clear and interesting to me, though.

Okay, yeah, I'd probably call this EventBud. I'm sorry, I can't think of better names.


Here's what the UI could look like. Top row is the Admin view. Bottom is the public attendee view.

EventBud mock-ups. First view: index of your upcoming created events, including heading, "Add event" button, list of events with title, date, number of attendees and "View" button, plus a "View Past Events" link. Second view: "Add Event" form with heading and fields for name, description, datetime and location, plus a "Create Event" button. Third view: public upcoming events, much like the first view but without the "Add Event" button or past events link. Fourth view: event view, including the title, host, date, description and register button


  • Admins can sign up
  • Admins can create upcoming events
    • Title
    • Description
  • Public users (attendees) can register for events that haven't happened yet
  • Admins can see the list of registered users


  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Public registration
  • Scheduling logic
  • Dealing with time and timezones

Extra Credit

  • Student sign up to keep track of their events
  • Allow Admins limit the number of attendees and prevent registration when limit is reached
  • Accept payment when registering
  • Make event details more rich with photo upload support and descriptions with a better editor (or Markdown)
  • Email attendees before an event as a reminder
